Suitable for: Beginner Level
Learning Points:
- Take accurate body measurements.
- Draft basic pattern blocks for a sleeveless top and a basic skirt.
- Learn industry standard practices for labelling and marking patterns.
- Sew zippers, different types of seams and facings.
- Apply interfacings and hemming finishes.
- Sew a pleated sleeveless blouse and an A-line skirt.
Items Required for Class:
- Sewing Toolkit (available for purchase from SMH Craft).
- Fabric requirements on what needs to be purchased will be given before the class starts.
- Mobile device or laptop to access eBook, complete assignments and assessment.
- GCE N Level with a pass in English and Mathematics OR WPLN Level 4 and above.
- Basic digital literacy in using applications on mobile/computer device to navigate on the Internet, and upload/download files.
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